Friday 13 March 2009


It is seen as an everyday thing… Also known a 'bitching'
Everyone does it.. The ones who deny it do it the most…

Definfinition from

  • To talk idly, about the affairs of others; go about tattling.


Does anyone think of the consequences???
Many people gossip without even realising that they are doing it, me included. But there are people who gossip with the intention on causing harm. Spreading roumors and being malicious!!
What kind of harm?
Getting someone in trouble
Making someone believe things that are not true
To corrupt someone’s mind
To get into someone’s ‘good books’
To get someone in their ‘bad books’

All these things are for the benefit of yourself, gossiping is BAD; I see all of the above as evil!!

To save yourself from trouble and getting landed into the middle of it don’t put yourself in the middle of it in the first place.

But how hard is it to avoid???
After a night out with all my work friends all I want to do is go to work the next day and find out who went home with who and who slapped who? It is impossible to not talk about other people.
I think that if people don’t want people to talk about them they shoudnt do things that people would want to talk about in the first place.
And who ever said that only girl’s gossip?? Boys are as bad as us, girls gossip and stop talking to each other and boys gossip and come out in big gangs to beat each other up!

Other words for it - small talk, chitchat, socially networking and hearsay

Everyone does it so don’t deny it!

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