Thursday 7 May 2009

Blog Questionnaire

Age? 19

Sex? female

What is your degree subject (both if joint)? Social Care and Criminal Justice.

Does ‘Being Bad’ relate well to the other modules you are taking? Yes

If so, how? And if not, why not? This relates well because it addresses issues that are bad but not illegal, it helps to understand the difference between the two.

Have you found ‘Being Bad’ too demanding, too easy, or at an appropriate level? I don't think this module was difficult, however this isnt because it was too easy, it was because it was very interesting and easy to get into as it was about everyday issues that all of us face.

Do you think the list of topics covered on the module was appropriate? Yes, they were approriate as the topics were all form of being bad, topics that we all judge yet so many of us still play a part in.

Are there any topics not included in the module that you would like to see included? Abortion and the way asian people are portrayed in the media.

Do you think that the format for classes has worked well? Yes, there could be no other way to format them.

What did you think of the module team? Very helpful.

Do you think it would have been better to have had more:

Small group discussions? I don't think it would be needed.

Discussion and debate among the class as a whole? Thats the way it was done.

Information and talk from lecturers? Yes.

The approach taken in the module is interdisciplinary (drawing on perspectives from English Literature, Film Studies, Creative Writing, Philosophy, Media Studies and Politics): do you think this a useful way of approaching the topics covered in the module? Yes it made the module topics more realistic, interesting and easier to understand.

Do you think that interdisciplinary modules are a good idea? Yes, definatly.

Do you think you have benefited from the interdisciplinary approach taken in the module? Yes

Would you like to see more modules that cover this kind of subject matter? Yes, if it makes the work easier to understand.

Are you planning to take the follow-up module PH2004 ‘It Shouldn’t Be Allowed’ at level 2? Definatly.

Would you recommend ‘Being Bad’ to a friend? Yes.

Do you think that the blogs (web logs) were a good idea? It is a different form of assesment and i have enjoyed doing them so yes.

What did you think of the other assessments (e.g. would it be better to have one longer assessment rather than two shorter ones?)? No two shorter ones made me think about more subjects in depth.

What have you learned from the module? That what I personally class a being bad is'nt always the same for the people around me. I have learnt the meaning of , dangerous, unhealthy, unreasonable or imprudent practices, behaviour and lifestyles. And have learnt what can be put under these headings.

What parts of the module have you found most useful and why? Doing the blog, as i have learnt how to create one and publish posts. I have gained alot of knowledge on everyday subjects like drugs and alcohol. I have found every part of this module useful.

What parts do you think were a waste of time and why? None.

Are there any other comments you wish to make regarding ‘Being Bad’? It is a simple, knowledgable and interesting module that I would recommend anybody to do.


I feel that this subject is a very complex subject. I don't think that anybody in this world can say that they have never swore. Yet there are so many people out there who are against it and see it as a really bad thing.

Some say that they never swear even if they do and there are people out there who say "And what". I think that now people are swearing and are more open about it.

Does this mean it is becoming more socially acceptable??
And if it is, is this a good thing? What is it saying about our communties??

I personally think that swearing is a bad thing, but sometimes we just can't help it, we do it without even thinking. It's simply second nauture for our society today. Swearing is mostly associtated with letting out anger or frustration in different situations.

Even if we tried to take out swearing from our volcabulary I don't think that we would ever be able to.
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Wednesday 6 May 2009

Comment 8

Comment on Lucy's post on 'Teenage Pregnancy.' In this post Lucy addresses the subject of teenage girls getting pregnant and the fact that the age is getting younger and younger. I agree that it is because they simply have not got the knowledge of the consequences of sex. She thinks that we need to increase the knowledge that children have. I personally don't think that this is the solution to the problem. I think that children don't need to know about such issues until necessary. The cause of young pregnancies is young pregnancies, in simple terms, the cause is young parents who cannot discipline their children properly and keep an eye on what they are doing. Giving them more information on sex will actually encourage them to go out and have sex not stop them.

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Comment 7

Comment on Zoe Cox's post on 'Bad Parenting.' I strongly agree with Zoe's comments about bad parenting. I think that the fact that she is the weight that she is, it should encourage her to make her children's lives better. Yet she chooses to provide her children with the 'crap' food that she chooses to eat herself. She hasn't got a clue about what a proper meal is if she thinks microwave food is healthy and classed as cooking. She simply thinks that she is ill and that everyone should feel sorry for her and give her everything that she needs. I personally think that she is lazy to make any positive changes to her life and is too used to the easy way of surviving. But why should we have sums of money taken out of our wages for lazy, usless people like her. Its not fair, the least she should do is get up off her lazy bum and look after her children she is lucky to have them.

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Comment 6

Comment on Pardeep Johal's post on 'Littering.' I agree that littering is bad. I also don't understand why people litter, if they wouldn't live in rubbish why fill the environment with rubbish?? You maybe can try and understand people littering when there are no bins around, but people litter when there are bins. I'v seen people throw there rubbish on the floor when there's a bin right infront of them. Why is that?? Pure laziness. I say that is a good job people get fined for it, but I think people need to be fined alot more for it to stop.


Comment 5

Comment on Kal's post on 'Representaion of ethnic and different cultures in Soaps.' In this post Kal has raised a point that I strongly agree with. I think that not only soaps but films and the media has made a streotypical veiw of asian people that is far from true and reality. There is a view out there that asian people have massive families that all live together is a three bedroom house. The kids are not allowed to do anything so they sneak out and get changed after leaving there houses. The dad is always the person that they are scared to express themselves to and that they are all mouthy.

He has mentioned Emerdale and I ask myself that question all the time. All corner shops are not owned by asian people are they? I think that Eastenders, East is East and Bend it like Bekham have contributed to this.


Comment 4

Comment on Kal's post on 'Does Britain have a drinking problem?' In this post he has asked whether drinking is because it is so easily accessible or becuase there is the streotypical veiw that you have to drink to have a good time. I personally think that it is because of both of these reasons but it's more to do with the streotypical veiw. People wouldn't want to get to it in the first place if there wasn't this streotypical view. I agree that drinking is the heart of our social lives and that it helps us to relax to communicate easily. I don't think drinking is bad aslong as it isn't abused.

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Comment 3

Comment on Shane Smith's post on 'Jack Tweed'. I read this post and thought it was simple, to the point and 'in your face'. I think that most people thought that of Jade Goody before she got cancer, as she was racist and she was foul-mouthed. I strongly agree with the fact that you shouldn't do the crime if you can't serve the time. I have no sympathy for him as it's his own fault for being a thug. If he wasn't a celeberty's husband nobody would of even given him a second thought. So I don't get why his getting so much sympathy now.

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Comment 2

Comment on Charlottes post on 'Farting in Public'. I have read her post about farting in public, I think she is right in saying that it is wrong and unpleasant and that people shouldn't do it in crowded pubic places. As it leaves a unpleasent smell for everyone. But I think that she has taken it too far when comparing it to murder. Sometimes people can't help it and just have to fart, but murder? Thats something that everybody can help and not do.There is a massive difference in murder and farting not just the fact that one is illegal and the other isn't.


Comment 1

Jas Uppal's post on 'Size Zero'. I agree with what Jas has said in this post, the media and celeberties are simply the cause of women wanting to be a size zero which is equivilant to a size four in UK sizes. And I agree with her when she has said that men prefer women with curves rather than skeletal women. As I don't see what could be attractive about bones which stick out.



Definition - To follow or observe (a person) persistently, especially out of obsession or derangement.


Stalking is one of the most frequently experienced types of abuse and most stalkers are former partners or friends of their victims.

According to the British Crime Survey, nine per cent of women and seven per cent of men reported having been stalked in the last year, and just under a quarter of women (23%) reported having experienced stalking since the age of 16. Obscene or threatening phone calls or letters were the most common types of stalking behaviour experienced. (BCS 2005/06).

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Stalking can be very scary and no one has to put up with it. It can be constant phone calls, following after work, waiting for you in places and many other forms. The person doing it may not even realise that they are making you feel so uncomfortable as they probally have something wrong with their head!! They are obssessed people!! And usually they can not control themselves.
I don't agree with stalking and think that stalkers should get reported, as clearly they need help to get over there obsession!!!

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Monday 27 April 2009


What monsters??

They definatley must have something seriously wrong in their heads.

When we talk about paedophiles most of us have a automatic image of a dirty old man and a young girl, something that we need to think is that is not only men, there is dirty old women out there as well!!

Although the internet didn't invent paedophilia, there is a lot of publicity about paedophile activity on the internet and it is true that the internet gives paedophiles access to images of children and children themselves. This can be through networking sites like Facebook, MySpace and Bebo.

We need to be more carefull now than ever, they have so much freedom and can be very sly. We cannot stop these horrible people and their sick ways but we can surely avoid them!!
Even talking about the subject makes me feel sick, yet there are people out there who crack jokes about it...
You may hate paedophiles...but at least they drive slowly when passing schools!!
You can say what you like about paedophiles, but they're generous with their sweets!!

Friday 24 April 2009

Domestic Abuse

Domestic abuse should never happen, but it does and the person being abused often doesn’t even realise how much help is out there for them. No one deserves to be abused by their partner and no one should ever have to put up with it for any reason. There are many agencies out there including Haven the women’s refuge.

All that we need to do is raise awareness of this support to help get people out of the cycle of abuse.

Domestic abuse can come in more forms than violence; women are mentally abused, emotionally abused and sexually abused. If it is wrong for someone to be abused by a stranger what makes it right or okay for our partners to do so??

What reasons can you think of?
To feel like the dominant person in the relationship?
Because you were drunk and couldn’t control what you were doing?
You was angry and needed to let your anger out?

Sorry but none of these reasons can justify somebody stooping so low, there is no excuse. One thing that really annoys me is when women are being abused and they can easily escape it all because they have the support from family and friends, yet they choose to stay in the relationship and continue to be abused. And often it is because “He said his sorry and won’t do it again, because he loves me”. But i personally think if his done it once he will do it again because he knows he will get away with it.

Women shouldn’t give them the opportunity, yet they continue to do so.

Break the silence!

Get out while you can!

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Wednesday 22 April 2009

Britains Got Talent.. has it??

I hate this show, because people go on it and put Britains name to SHAME. Simon Cowell is known to be a tough judge but his got it totally wrong. People like Fabia Cerra with the strip dance and Peter Coghlan with the disgusting belly dance are put through. I don't call their performances talent, its embarassing. And people with actual talent are questioned like Susan Boyal and Shaheen. I know which two I would choose to perform infront of Prince Charles at the Royal Varitey Show, whats going on in the heads of those judges??

Tuesday 21 April 2009


There is a fine line in gambling

Doubling your Money or Losing it!!

But why is it that people who gamble only ever consider doubling it and forget that there is a high chance of losing it??

It is highly addictive, people say they get a feeling of a rush from it and they do it again and again for that feeling. Everyone has different opinions on it, some say some forms of it are okay yet others not, for example the National Lottery. But I think that its your money you do what you want with it, as long as you don't get yourself in dept that you can't get out of. Think before you gamble your money, especially when it comes to high risk gambling like casinos or or internet gambling.

Tuesday 7 April 2009


Euthanasia is the deliberate killing of a person for the benefit of that person. Euthanasia is a very complex subject, many people strongly believe is wrong and do not accept it. But I think that it can not be jugded right or wrong by anyone as the people involved would obviously believe that it was the best decision for the person. I think that if someone is suffering so much that they want to put a end to it, they should have the right to decide this. Euthanasia can be seen as a part of the right to freedom, so surely the right to death should be included in this, yet it remains illegal even though the British law in place encourages human rights. If abortion is accepted and legal why not euthanasia?? Atleast with euthanasia you have the consent of the person who's life is being ended.

Monday 30 March 2009


Rape is probally the worst thing anyone can do. Having sex without the other persons consent is what is classed as rape. It is usually and mostly associated with a man raping a woman. It is wrong and there is no justification for it.

Does it depend on the situaton?? And is just the guy to blame?

I think it does, if a woman goes out and gets so wasted that she cannot look after herself isnt she to blame herself? But why do guys need to be so stupid and take advantage??

People need to know there limits or they need to go out with people they know, not matter what will look after them all night. If you can not do this you have no one but yourself to blame!
683,000 forcible rapes occur every year, which equals to 56,916 per month, 1,871 per day, 78 per hour and 1.3 per minute.

Friday 27 March 2009


Bad or not??

Personally I love them!

People have different reasons for having tattoos

For personal meaning

To represent something

Or just because you feel like it

Tattoos have become very popular over years, and more and more people are getting them.

Many people get tattoos and then regret them; my advice is think it through because they are for LIFE not something that you can just wash off.

One very popular situation where tattoos are regretted is when people get there partners name and then break up. I think that people who get there partners name are stupid. I have friends who knew that their relationship wasn’t working and they still got a tattoo thinking it will make things better.

It’s not so easy removing them, it hurts twice as much and cost’s twice as much.

Tattoos are great, they make you stand out and say something about you in a way. Just don’t end up regretting them.



Thursday 26 March 2009


I work in retail, even though I am a part timer I witness at least one incident on shoplifting every 2 weeks. People are shop lifting more and more by the day.

Why is this?

Credit crunch?

This I no excuse to stoop down so low!!
Types of shoplifters

The worst incident that I have witnessed is when a woman who came into my store while I was working and she was caught on the children’s department putting clothes into her bag. Her children were there with her, two girls under the age of ten. When she was caught she was asked to walk to the office to wait for the police to arrive. She tried to use force but was repeatedly told she would have to wait for police to arrive by the store security guard. When they got into the office I was in there, I had to leave but before I left I heard one of the girls say "mum we've been caught again". And the other girl looked very upset and just had her ears covered with her hands. The clothes that the stole were two sets of clothes, both the same just different ages. They were for her two girls.
I didnt know what to think
To feel sorry for her as she was taking clothes for her children
Or be angry and disgusted as the girls obviouly had been in this situation before, What kind of example was she setting for her children?
Could her situation be justified? Would you class her as being bad?
Overall I would, if she cannot provide for her children she needs to do something about it by getting a job or sacrifice one of her expences to provide for them, shop lifting is not acceptable. She is setting such a bad example for them!

Tuesday 24 March 2009


How often do you see people who admit to this? I’ve never met anyone who has, but I could bet that loads of people do.

Masturbation is when men and women touch their own bodies for pleasure, for a orgasm!!

Many people say its okay to do so yet other people frown on it. What do you think?

I personally don’t have an opinion on it as long as people do it in private.
However sex is meant for two people not one isn’t it?
Other terms used for masturbation that i have heard
Spilling his seed
Flicking the bean
Chocking the chicken
Yanking the tree
Spanking the monkey




Monday 23 March 2009

Death as entertainement

I wouldn't put Jade Goody under the title of being bad, but I strongly disagree with the way that she has used her death as way to make money. I think publishing your life in magazines is a persons personal decision and Jade Goody was well known for this. However how is selling your death story to a magazine in any way morally right? I understand that she did it just secrure the future of her children, but what about all the other people who are going through exactly what she did, day in day out and don’t have the chance to do anywere near that? Is this fair? I don’t think so. People are losing jobs everyday and are struggling to pay bills and provide their children with what they want and need, yet a magazine could afford to pay Jade Goody a massive million pounds just to shoot her wedding? Jade has been in the main headlines in many neswpapers and magazines for weeks now. I feel that the media has used her story to provide entertainement to the public to make their money. Where have peoples morals gone?

Sunday 22 March 2009

RIP Jade Goody

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It can’t be denied that Jade Goody had her fair shares of ups and downs in her life. As much as she was liked there were still many people who hated her. I think it is so wrong that people base their opinions on what the media feeds them with. I mean when she first entered Big Brother three in 2002 she was disliked by the public for being herself, a bit silly and out spoken and then during her time she used a lot of media attention to make money for which she was disliked. I mean if that was me, I would problally do the same by making the most of my fame.
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Then she had her own workout video but then it was revealed that she had surgery to get into shape and the workout didn’t actually work. She entered Celebrity Big Brother and came out being HATED because of the whole racism and bullying issue with Bollywood star Shilpa Shetty, resulting in shops removing her perfume from shelves.
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She had many successes including her two autobiographies and two perfumes which did become best sellers. She made so much of herself while she was with us in such little time. But the question that I ask myself is why do the public hate on someone one second and then the next the public look upto the same person. Why do people lead their lives according to what the media says?

I didn't really have anything to say about her up until now, but I think that she has done a great job before she left us, by making us more awear of cancer and we should all thank her and always keep her alive in our memories. She did have her bad points but at the same time many many good points like everybody in the world and I think people do forget that celeberties are human like the rest of us.

RIP Jade Goody


link to info

Thursday 19 March 2009

Telling Porky Pies!

I think the first thing we should ask ourselves is “WOULD THE WORLD BE A BETTER PLACE IF WE ALL TOLD THE TRUTH?”

I don’t think so, the world would be a wreck, everyone would know what their partners have been up to, parents would know what there children were doing behind their backs and people would know what the real intentions are of the world of people around them. Yes I do agree that it would be better to know what the truth is but how many homes and lives would get ruined??

Many people would say that lying is a bad thing, but why? If lying to someone could stop them getting stressed or cause them problems wouldn’t it be better to not tell them at all?

Is there a difference between lying and hiding the truth? I’ve heard that many times and have probably used it myself but I think that in reality no there is no difference, it is just a better way to put the fact that yes I lied.

I think the simple solution to it all is not doing things that you would have to hide. That way you don’t have to lie and nither does anyone have to lie for you.

Wednesday 18 March 2009

Money Money Money!!

Why is money so important, wouldn’t it just be great if it didn’t exist??
Money comes and it goes for all us lucky people but have we ever stopped to think that 50 pounds that we spent on them new jeans that we wanted for ages could have fed a family for a week or even longer.
There are many people who don’t think about these things and treat money like it has no value, like its just paper, get themselves in debt with credit cards and overdrafts and then spend the rest of there lives paying these off with the interest rates that hit the roof.

There are also people who are overly protective about money; they will not spend unless it’s vital. But what is the point of money if you don’t spend it?? It is there to be spent not to store away in a bank.
Why does everything revolve around money??

I think you have it and have lots of it or you don’t have any. If the money that all the rich people in world have, was shared, how many peoples lives could be improved and how many people could get food, clean water, basic clothes? All the things that we take for granted.

Have you ever thought people work hard all day long and still may only get enough money to survive?

Yet there are people out there who get paid for doing something they love and are poured with money.

Footballers, TV presenters, people working in fashion, singers.

How is that fair?

A survey was carried out by The Independent and it was found that the average a premiership footballer earns is 676,000 per year. And depending and age, position and performance this figure rises.

I think this is ridiculous!!

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Tuesday 17 March 2009


What are the reasons that people come out with for smoking??
Reliving Stress??
· Addiction??
Because my friends do??
Do people who do not smoke not have stress??

Because I do but have never turned around and said I need a ‘fag’. If you didn’t smoke in the first place how would you be addicted and why would u need to turn to a cigerette to help relive stress??
Was looking cool and fitting in with your friends worth taking days off your life??
Children who smoke in school probably don’t even realise what they are getting themselves in for, it is not like you can have a few and forget. They are additive and need to be avoided.

Cigarettes contain more than 4000 chemical compounds and at least 400 toxic substances.

Statistics from Cancer Research UK
The link between tobacco and cancer was established more than 50 years ago.
Smoking causes almost 90% of lung cancer deaths.
In the UK, more than 1 in 5 adults smoke cigarettes, that’s around 11 million people.
Less than 1% of 11 and 12 year olds in England are smokers, but this rises to 20% by age 15.
Stopping smoking before middle age avoids most of the risk of smoking-related lung cancer.
Living with someone who smokes, or exposure to second-hand smoke at work, increases risk of lung cancer in non-smokers by about a quarter.
It is estimated that in the UK, around 12,000 deaths each year are attributable to environmental tobacco smoke.
Radon is a naturally occurring gas that increases risk of lung cancer, especially among smokers.

When smoking people don’t only harm themselves but others as well due to passive smoking, International Agency for Research on Cancer in 2004 confirmed that risk of lung cancer was increased by 20- 30% for people who lived with a smoker.

If people don’t think of themselves they should at least think of the lives and health of the people around them that they must care about.

Parents who smoke are disgusting!
What example are they setting out for their children?? And how are they helping them develop?? Children do take in passive smoke!! The smoke that comes off a cigarette between puffs carries a higher risk than directly inhaled smoke. Children who grow up in a home where one or both of their parents smoke have twice the risk of getting asthma and asthmatic bronchitis. They also have a higher risk of developing allergies.

And what about women who smoke during pregnancy?? I don’t think that the point that it is harming their baby could be made any clearer by the media and hospitals, yet they do it, do they not care or have a heart?

It kills!
It smells!
It makes you teeth yellow!
It makes you skin go horrible and dry!

Saturday 14 March 2009

Binge Drinking

Is binge drinking just a part of growing up??

Why would anyone want to go out and wake up the next morning not knowing how they got back home?
Does anyone know how much alcohol it too much?

There are many horrible symptoms of Binge Drinking including

Loss of awareness in senses
Alcohol poisoning
Memory loss
Mood swings

These are the symptoms identified by National Advisory Council on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism of Alcohol poisoning

Extreme confusion
Not being able to be awakened
Slow breathing (fewer than eight breaths per minute)
Irregular breathing (10 seconds or more between breaths)
Low body temperature
Bluish skin colour or paleness

I drink myself, I love going out and drinking to have a good time, but I can’t see the attraction in being sick everywhere, not being able to control myself and not remembering a single thing.

Where’s the fun in that??

Excuses that I’ve heard of drinking so much are boredom, depressed, to de-stress, to bond and feel a part of a community. None of these excuses are good enough, there are so many other options rather than to result to alcohol.

Here are some myths along with facts
MYTH: Beer is less intoxicating than other types of alcoholic beverage.
FACT: One 12-ounce can of beer, one 4-ounce glass of wine or one normal mixed drink or cocktail are all equally intoxicating.
MYTH: Switching between beer, wine, and liquor will make you drunker.
FACT: Mixing types of drinks may make you sicker by upseting your stomach, but not more intoxicated. Alcohol is alcohol.
MYTH: Cold Showers, fresh air or hot coffee help sober a person.
FACT: Only time will remove alcohol from the system. It takes the body approximately one hour to eliminate the alcohol in one drink. An old saying goes, "give a drunk a cup of coffee and all you have is a wide-awake drunk.
MYTH: Eating a big meal before you drink will keep you sober.
FACT: Drinking on a full stomach will only delay the absorption of alcohol into the bloodstream, not prevent it. Eating before you drink is not a defense against getting drunk.
MYTH: Everyone reacts to alcohol in the same way.
FACT: Many factors that affect a person's reaction to alcohol — body weight, metabolism, gender, body chemistry, and many others.

Don’t believe everything that you are told, it is most likely the person who is telling you is drunken themselves... Go by the facts!!


Friday 13 March 2009


It is seen as an everyday thing… Also known a 'bitching'
Everyone does it.. The ones who deny it do it the most…

Definfinition from

  • To talk idly, about the affairs of others; go about tattling.


Does anyone think of the consequences???
Many people gossip without even realising that they are doing it, me included. But there are people who gossip with the intention on causing harm. Spreading roumors and being malicious!!
What kind of harm?
Getting someone in trouble
Making someone believe things that are not true
To corrupt someone’s mind
To get into someone’s ‘good books’
To get someone in their ‘bad books’

All these things are for the benefit of yourself, gossiping is BAD; I see all of the above as evil!!

To save yourself from trouble and getting landed into the middle of it don’t put yourself in the middle of it in the first place.

But how hard is it to avoid???
After a night out with all my work friends all I want to do is go to work the next day and find out who went home with who and who slapped who? It is impossible to not talk about other people.
I think that if people don’t want people to talk about them they shoudnt do things that people would want to talk about in the first place.
And who ever said that only girl’s gossip?? Boys are as bad as us, girls gossip and stop talking to each other and boys gossip and come out in big gangs to beat each other up!

Other words for it - small talk, chitchat, socially networking and hearsay

Everyone does it so don’t deny it!

Thursday 12 March 2009


What is infidelity???



Breaking trust..

Sleeping Around..



Being Unloyal..

For What?? A broken home??

No one can even try to justify why they cheated or even try to prove it as a good enough reason

Why do such such a thing, are these good enough excuses..

Being unhappy in a marrige?

Wanting more?

Needed and wanting attention?


Wanting more from life?

What are the Signs of your partner cheating??

Walking out the room to answer phone calls

Presents as a result of Guilt

Smelling of perfume or aftershave

Coming home late

I would hate to be cheated on, I wouldn't do it to anyone so wouldn't want anyone to do it to me
Could you trust someone who cheated on you? I wouldnt.. how could you build that trust again that has already been broken

Once a cheat always a cheat!!

People know its worng but yet so many people do it, can anyone answer why?? What is so attractive about being so heartless??

Saturday 14 February 2009

abortion..are they bad??

Abortion is a subject that will have many different veiws. People have their own opinons on them, some people think it is wrong to have them and some feel that it is fine and there is no problem with them and many would say that it all depends on the situation. It will be a very interesting subject to talk about and debate on when it would be acceptable to abort and why.